To my dear and valued customers,
I am now retired, and my office is closed.
I can no longer accept mail at the former office address.
For existing customers only, who need to wrap up a recent case filed after July 1, 2024, please use the Contact Us form below.
In the Message field, please use the name provided on the documents filed with the court. If it is a Family Court matter. please include a Case Number.
For those who need a good resource to find a qualified Legal Document Assistant ("LDA") please contact the California Association of Legal Document Assistants at the following website address https://calda.org/findanlda.
Thank you!
F. Michael McMillin
Legal Document Assistant
Existing Customer Contact
"I am not an attorney." "I can only provide self help services at your specific direction."
"I cannot represent you in court, advise you about your legal rights or the law, or select legal forms for you."
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